Our Mission

Our mission at Maximum Global Solutions is to promote holistic development in Asia, North Africa, the Middle East and Europe by helping people become more productive members of society through:

  • helping the poor so that they can leave lives of poverty through various community and business development projects;

  • assisting nationals with education and services (such as teaching English, etc.);

  • facilitating expatriate Western workers to adapt and live cross-culturally.


International development efforts often neglect people groups who are isolated due to geographical, physical, language, or cultural barriers. MaxGlobal seeks to bridge these barriers through partnering with local communities and indigenous organizations to bring in technical assistance that is identified as helpful to the community. MaxGlobal's self-help development focus is holistic - addressing the physical, economic, social and spiritual barriers to development - and enables communities to sustain various projects, micro-enterprises, and small businesses long-term.

Over the years we have expanded our efforts to include other projects which assist and facilitate people, such as the development of English language teaching projects, and relief projects following the tsunami of 2004, the 2006 and 2009 earthquakes in Indonesia, and the 2008 cyclone in Myanmar.